Installation & Updating

Get a License

A license is required for every installation of Craft Calendars. Please purchase a license for your project before making it publicly available.


  1. Un-zip the Craft Calendars download and move the calendars directory into your Craft plugins directory (usually craft/plugins).

  2. In your Craft control panel, go to Settngs > Plugins page, find Craft Calendars in the plugin list, and click Install.


When a newer version of Craft Calendars becomes available, Craft will add a link to the Updates feed in the control panel, alerting you to the update and prompting you to download and install the new version.

Migrating from Private Beta

Version 0.8 of the Craft Calendars beta introduced a completely new scheme for storing and querying event data.​ This allowed us to significantly improve speed, data safety, and usability.

Before updating from 0.6.x, review the Updating From Beta page for information on updating your Craft Calendars beta installation.